Gentle Myofascial Release
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Lasting Back Pain Relief

As many as 8 out of 10 Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their life. It is certainly a common complaint that I have seen over the years, and can have a significant impact on client's quality of life.


One of the most common approaches to dealing with back pain is to take a pill, but this only masks the problem. It doesn't deal with the cause of back pain. 


Back pain is commonly caused by an imbalance in the soft tissue (muscles, connective tissue etc). When we restore the balance of the soft tissue and subsequently your entire body, your back pain often melts away.


Sometimes you might feel back pain in the muscles that run next to the spine, but that doesn't necessarily mean that is where the cause of the problem is.

Back pain

If you were to get a regular massage and ask them to rub your back, it may feel nice in the moment, but if these muscles are compensating for some other structural issue, then simply rubbing them may make the problem worse!.

The alignment of your spine depends on having hips that are balanced...

which depends on having legs that are balanced. 

This is something that is often missed. 


Many times I have seen clients after they have seen other health professionals, and they have perfectly aligned spines, but their legs are imbalanced. When I balance their legs, their hips actually show further signs of imbalance, which I can then correct...


If I don't correct the alignment of the whole structure (not just the back) the back pain will often return after a short time.


There are many potential causes of back pain. Sometimes back pain can come from restrictions in rib movement or other breathing pattern dysfunction. Back pain can even come from issues in the neck and arms!

During your session with me, we will assess and correct the things that may be contributing to your back pain.


Gentle Myofascial Release can help overcome your aches and pains by releasing the tension in the soft tissue, and restoring structural balance.


Often, during and after the session, you may experience a deep sense of relaxation... this is a natural response to releasing significant amounts of tension from your body. I often have people fall asleep during our time together. I don't call our sessions 'relaxing massage', but I guess it is!


 If you're ready to get lasting back pain relief, then now is the time to book a session with me.

For an exercise based back pain prevention protocol click here

Hugh Norley | Gentle Myofascial Release Therapist

Hugh started his health and fitness journey when he was a teen and overcoming his own debilitating leg pain through movement and massage.


He discovered that the key to his pain was in the ‘Myofascia’.


Hugh completed a Diploma in Integrated Body Therapies in 2003; he then continued to deepen his study into Myofascial Release, by studying at many schools including Myofascial Release, Personal Training, Craniosacral therapy Fascial Stretch and Structural Integration (Rolfing).


His hands on technique began as ‘deep tissue’, then, with the birth of his 2 boys, found that he needed a more gentle style in order to help them.


Nowadays, his hands on sessions use gentle release techniques that focus on systematically releasing adhesions in the soft tissue. His technique is gentle enough to be used on everyone from children, through the elderly, yet so potent that athletes will fell the results from as little as one session.

Hugh Norley | Gentle Myofascial Release Therapist
Gentle Myofascial Release

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