Overcome Aches and Pains, Niggles and Strains

As Featured On: 

Discover Why It Hurts

Here’s How to Overcome Aches and Pains

So That You Can Feel As Supple As You Did In Your Youth (Or More!)

Discover why you are experiencing pain, and learn how to undo years of injury, neglect or overuse.


This book will show you how. 

From the desk of Hugh Norley

Denver, CO

Dear Friend

Do you want to overcome aches and pains?


Here’s the secret:

Don’t Chase The Pain

You need to to understand WHY your body hurts, before you can treat it.



I spent a decade of my youth hobbling around in a world of hurt. My legs ached everyday. I was miserable.



I wake up everyday, feeling younger than before. My aches and pains are a distant memory. My bendiness is through the roof (or floor). My body moves better than when I was a child.


The Difference:

I understand WHY my body previously felt aches and pains. I released the stickiness in my body that was causing the pain, and made movement a priority.


This method worked for me, and will work for you.

“I can finally get my glutes to engage”

Rachael had been struggling to get her glutes to fire during her workouts. She had been working with a physical therapist to get them to work, but to no avail, until she followed this method. Now she can activate her glutes at will.

Rachael | Acupuncturist

“Hugh, You’re A Magician”

Jason developed elbow pain while he played golf, which carried over into his Crossfit workout. After using this method, his elbow pain was gone overnight.

Jason | Financial Planner

Disclaimer: I have to tell you, results like this are not typical. I’ve been doing this bodywork stuff for 18+ years. My clients get awesome results because we work together. Most people don’t put into action what they learn, and so they don’t get any results. To get results, you need persistence and patience.

Get Lasting Pain Relief
By Figuring Out ‘Why It Hurts’

The book I have for sale on this page is called ‘Why It Hurts’ because that is where you MUST start.


When you understand WHY it hurts, rather than just chasing pain, then can you actually do something about it (I’ll show you how in the book).


It’s only $4.95


If you like it, maybe you’ll become a client, and I can help you overcome your own pain.


Or not!


Either way, this book, along with the BONUS guide will show you everything you need to get started, including a DIY way to overcome pain.

What's Inside?

Secret #1

Don't Fall Into The Trap Of Chasing Pain

Secret #2

The Most Overlooked Part Of The Human Body Holds The Secrets Of Your Pain

Secret #3

Myofascial Release Can Help You Overcome Your Aches And Pains

Why It Hurts and the bonus Self Myofascial Release Guide (see below) include self-assessments, Myofascial release techniques and exercises to get you started overcoming your pain as quickly as possible.

This method works no matter how long you have had aches and pains.

You might be thinking that since you’ve had pain for as long as you’ve had pain, then it will take a long time to get rid of it.




I’ve seen it time and time again, aches and pains can disappear overnight when you address the real reason you are experiencing pain - even 20 years after the original trauma!


That’s why I’m so excited to share this book with you today!


Get the book now and you’ll receive:

BONUS: The Self Myofascial Release Guide

This guide will help you take steps toward overcoming your pain from the comfort of your own home.


The Self Myofascial Release Guide is a 30 page illustrated guide that shows you how to assess the cause of your pain, and then walks you through the basics of where to work to relieve your pain.


This guide uses techniques that you won’t have seen elsewhere. These are techniques that I developed over years of finding what works (and what doesn’t)!

Here's My Guarantee

Try what you read in Why It Hurts and The Self Myofascial Release Guide for 90 days.


If, for some reason, you don’t find it useful I’ll refund you the full $4.95.


Just send me an email (support@gentlemfr.com) and I’ll refund you the full amount.

Get Your Copy of Why It Hurts Now

See you on the inside,


"Healing" Hugh Norley



P.S. - Recap of this ultra long page, for those who hate reading:


  1. I overcame a decade of debilitating aches and pains with myofascial release and movement, and you can too.
  2. For just $4.95, you can get the book I wrote that teaches you the basics of how I did it, plus I’ll throw in The Self Myofascial Release Guide, so that you have the practical knowledge to overcome your own aches and pains from the comfort of your own home.
  3. You can try what you learn for 90 days. If, for some crazy reason, you don’t like what you read,  I’ll refund you the $4.95.

About The Author

Through my teenage years, I suffered from leg pain that had me on medications everyday.


It was not until my early 20’s that an osteopath made a suggestion that would change my life massively.


He suggested I start to exercise. It was painful at first. Any time I moved my leg, pain sheered through my body, but I did it… 3 weeks later the pain was starting to fade.


That prompted a career change into the health and fitness world… and a whole lot of research into the how’s and why’s of what was going on in my own body, and how I could help others.


And so the chase for the holy grail - ‘eternal youth’ had begun - a journey to develop a bodywork style and movement practice that would sustain strong, pain-free joints…


I have been able to develop my bodywork technique and share my knowledge and skills with countless clients over the past 18 years.


My greatest pride is in my 2 sons, Robbie and Sam, I have witnessed their commitment and dedication to their gymnastics practice - which I believe, will pay dividends in terms of healthy fascia for years to come.


I wrote this book, so that I can share what I have found with you…

Hugh Norley

Gentle Myofascial Release

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